Help with Chat

There are two ways to chat with us!

You can try the chat widget, which is a chat box that displays within the browser window. It’s easy to use! Just enter a question and a librarian will be along soon to help you. There is also a full-page version of chat. The full-page version allows the librarian to send webpages to your browser window. For the chat widget, librarians can send you links, but you must select the link and the link will open the webpage in a new browser window. If you visit a webpage from the chat widget you will need to navigate back to the page with the chat widget in order to continue your chat session.

For a transcript of your Chat session, be sure that you are able to receive e-mail from both and

This may require you to manually whitelist/allow both e-mails and/or instruct your local I.T. staff to add both e-mails as allowable e-mails.

Also note that while providing an e-mail is never required:

  1. If you enter an e-mail address when you logon to use Chat with a Librarian you will automatically get a copy of your chat session after the session is completed.
  2. If you do not enter an e-mail when you logon you will be provided an opportunity at the end of the session to enter your e-mail and receive a copy of your transcript. This option allows you to remain anonymous.
  3. Note also that the librarian chatting with you might ask you for your e-mail during the session if they feel that they will need to provide you with more information later. If you elect to provide your e-mail the librarian will be able to send you more information later, after the chat session is completed.